Arun Ross

Arun Ross is the Martin J. Vanderploeg Endowed Professor in the College of Engineering and a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University. He also serves as the Site Director of the NSF Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) and the Director of the i-PRoBe Lab. Prior to joining MSU in 2013, he was a faculty member at West Virginia University (WVU) from 2003 to 2012.

The iPRoBe Lab conducts research in AI, biometrics, computer vision, machine learning, and pattern recognition. Current research projects include privacy preserving schemes for biometric data; digital image forensics; anti-spoofing methods for iris; biometric fusion; cross-spectral face recognition; large-scale image synthesis; morph attack detection; etc. Plenty of focus on Deep Learning and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Research sponsors - past and current - include NSF, CITeR, FBI, DHS, IARPA, NIJ, NIH, Draper Labs, Noblis, MITRE, NIST, Ford, ONR, DoD, etc.

Pattern Recognition (S22/S21 S20/S19/S18/S16/S15/S14)
Biometrics (F22/F21/F20/F19/F18/F17/F16/F15/F14/F13)
Computer Vision Seminar (S13)
Machine Learning (F12/F09/F07)
Pattern Recognition (S12/S11/S10/S09/S08/S07/F05/S04)
Discrete Mathematics (F06/F07)
Biometrics (F11/F10/F08/F06/F04)
Advanced Biometrics (S12/S11/S10/S09/S08/S06/S05)
Analysis of Algorithms (F03)

Associate Editor-in-Chief, Pattern Recognition Journal
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science
Advisor, IAPR Technical Committee on Biometrics (TC4)